建東精工致力開發及生產高品質、高效率的差速器、減速機、馬達及剎車,最近市場出現外型及顏色與建東精工相似度極高的產品,但品質及耐用度遠不及正品,為防止這種市場混淆行為,若您對產品存疑,或有廠商宣稱其產品與建東精工相似,請聯絡 info@ctEngineering.com.tw,我們非常樂意協助您釐清疑慮。
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Source : CT Engineering
國產自製的 MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人,完全符合穩固、穩定、越障能力、拉水帶能力以及方便操作的全球消防機器人市場需求趨勢
圖一:中華民國對外貿易發展協會 黃志芳董事長(右)與,建東精工股份有限公司 專案經理 王名玉(左)。盼 MOTIONNEX 智慧消防機器人從台灣輸出到世界各地。
電動驅動系統領導廠商建東精工公司宣布,該公司研發的國產自製 MOTIONNEX® 智慧聯網消防機器人 (型號 FRT),榮獲 2024 年台灣精品獎。建東精工以其創新的動力核心技術,並結合服務各行業使用者所累積的使用經驗回饋,設計出此款擴充彈性極大,精密度高、可靠性高、更適合台灣使用的智慧聯網消防機器人。經過多次的實地服役證明,MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人表現出色,能夠為一線消防指揮官提供火災現場最精準情報,其出色的適地性與快速反應力,也能夠協助執行消防工作的兄弟姊妹快速控制及撲滅各種火災。
「MOTIONNEX 消防機器人能夠獲得台灣精品獎的肯定,我們深感榮幸與驕傲,」建東精工董事長林弘杰表示。「MOTIONNEX 產品與其他消防機器人最大的不同是,其研發、生產、製造,從動力馬達、外型、到控制與相關智慧聯網系統、後台主機等系統,都是 MIT 台灣製造,使用單位完全可以安心使用,不用擔心待料危機,並享有第一時間的軟、韌、硬體升級。更重要的是,我們還能夠依客戶的地區特性提供客製化機器人,以及最迅速、即時的售後服務。」
根據 Transparency 市場研究公司的最新報告,從 2023 年至 2031 年期間,預估消防機器人市場的年複合成長率為 9.7%,到 2031 年市場規模將達 29 億美元。而推動消防機器人市場成長的原因包括火災發生頻率和嚴重程度的增加,以及人工智慧、機器學習、感測器、紅外線熱顯像儀和導航系統等機器人技術大幅進步,縮短了消防機器人的回應時間,也提高了機器人的能力和效率。在類型上,履帶式消防機器人最受青睞,預計其市場份額將大幅成長,這主要歸功於其適地性、機動性,以及與既有消防基礎設施的整合。
建東精工的設計與開發,完全抓住了消防機器人市場未來成長的動力和趨勢。在研發過程中,建東的研發團隊多次與現場第一線弟兄姐妹及消防單位,了解當今消防產業所面臨的困境,多方收集台灣火場資訊,並在公司的試驗場地進行多種不同火場地形、狀況的嚴謹測試。例如 MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人的外觀、內部和遙控系統設計,即同時整合了穩固、穩定、越障能力、拉水帶能力以及方便操作等必備特性。其中,在穩定性配置的設計上,為因應火場與災害現場的崎嶇性及可能遇到的越障和爬坡,建東精工團隊計算出傳動/驅動輪/履帶等部件運作時所需的空間與輸出力量,配合重心設計,使消防機器人具有安全爬坡與垂直越障的能力,以免除操作人員靠近火場的風險。
其優異的成果則是 MOTIONNEX 消防機器人的砲塔出水量每分鐘達 4,800 公升,有效最大射程為 80 公尺,定點射水續航力 15 小時,操作人員可遙控距離長達 300 公尺;機器人可連續行走 2 小時,爬坡能力達 35 度,越障能力達 17 公分,水帶拖曳有 2 線且左右線各 3 條飽水水帶。
而在遙控監控方面,MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人搭載可見光及紅外線熱顯像鏡頭,偵測溫度範圍為 -20℃ 至1050℃,並配備五用氣體偵測警報器,偵測一氧化碳、硫化氫和 VOC 有機揮發氣體等有害氣體並預發警示;火場的氣體資料、影像資料,可透過 4G 智慧連網傳輸到指揮平台車的遙控器螢幕上,供指揮官擬定迅速而正確的決策,或上傳至雲端平台,提供多人、多地同時遠端監看並錄影儲存,以保存火場重要資訊。
目前 MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人國內,已在高雄市、彰化縣、屏東縣上線服役,同時也捐贈一台到消防署竹山訓練中心,讓有需要的人員,可以到竹山實機操作。2021 年到 2023 年間,也參與過十多次規模不等的地區型消防演練、以及與國內外消防人員的實機交流,消防機器人都能成功完成各項演習想定要求的消防與火場探測功能,直接驗證 MOTIONNEX 智慧聯網消防機器人的優秀品質。
近一甲子以來,建東精工已成為國內電動載具傳動系統的領導廠商,年產量超過 5 萬顆,且不斷致力提高生產效率、控制生產成本及確保產品品質。「未來我們仍將持續鑽研核心的驅動系統技術,結合台灣優秀的加工能力、製造能力,廣納資通訊人才,以台灣為基地,以台灣經驗為藍本,將掌握全球市場趨勢的 MOTIONNEX 智慧消防機器人輸出到世界各地。」建東精工董事長林弘杰強調。
圖二:台灣國產自製消防機器人建東精工 MOTIONNEX 的智慧聯網消防機器人,榮獲 2024 台灣精品獎
建東精工股份有限公司於 1965 年成立,總部位於嘉義市, 59 年來持續提供客戶高效率、高品質且價格合理的動力系統,強調易於操作的使用方式與對細節的嚴格把關,帶給市場安全又有效的全方位解決方案,是多家領導品牌的主要或是指定供應商。建東精工股份有限公司研發並生產各種電動載具需要的傳動系統,包括差速器、減速機、煞車及馬達,並整合為完整的解決方案,提供客戶一站式服務。服務產業跨及輔具/載具/農畜牧/工業物流/消防安全等。目前產品已外銷至 24 個國家。MOTIONNEX 源自建東精工對產品細節嚴格把關,並提供高效率、高品質及合理價格價產品。大大提升了移動平台的工作效率,並將操作便利性與安全性,軟體、硬體、韌體的相容性與可靠度一併融合,並在多次實戰中具體實現這些整合優勢。
Source : CT Engineering
此次發表的智慧聯網消防機器人,徹底改善第一代砲塔車的射水、拖力、遙控距離不足,無法傳遞現場資訊,需由人員一同前進火場的缺點;第二代智慧聯網消防機器人,除了增強射程、強化拖力外,更可透過機器人即時回傳現場畫面影像及資訊,操作者及現場指揮官或救災救護指揮中心均可透過相容的APP,進行多點、多地同時監看,有利於現場搜救、119監控、指揮官決策、事後追蹤及調查,更可提供未來用於實務教學之判斷與依據。 (資料來源:高雄市政府消防局新聞稿,聯合新聞網)
客家新聞:科技化救災 高市消防局建置2組消防機器人 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIeeOeMuiIU
中時新聞網:全國首創具IoT智慧聯網 高雄新一代消防機器人亮相 - https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20230310004111-260402?chdtv
ETTODAY即時:消防機器人百分百MIT製造 強化第一線消防戰力降低救災風險 - https://www.ettoday.net/news/20230310/2456534.htm
udn 聯合新聞網:高雄消防朝科技化打火 第二代消防機器人亮相 - https://video.udn.com/news/1260638
News586傳媒:高市消防機器人獨步全國 林欽榮:迎向智慧安全城市 - https://news.586.com.tw/2023/03/474887/
焦點時報:高市消防機器人超猛戰力領先全國,林欽榮:朝智慧安全城市更進一步 - https://focus.586.com.tw/2023/03/10/p257977/
中天新聞(BOSS工作室LIVE):科技救災!打火生力軍 - https://www.youtube.com/live/_DC3MHUjJr4?feature=share
瀏覽全文Source : CT Engineering
建東精工(CT Engineering)一直持續開發和製造高品質電動驅動系統產品及服務。
歡迎來臨我們在德國 Rehacare 2019 國際復健暨照護展的展位(號碼 Hall 4F45),親身體驗 CT 產品卓越的抗噪功能,我們必定針對你的查詢提供最佳產品及解決方案。
CT 建東精工展位號:Hall 4F45
我們恭候 貴公司以電郵跟我們在國際復健暨照護展約見!
REHACARE 國際復健暨照護展官網 - https://rehacare.com
Source : CT Engineering
We are pleased to work with Cheen Yai Enterprise Co. Ltd Limited to present the autonomous pesticide sprayer by incorporating our modular platform and their machine.
With this modular platform, clients no longer need to develop different parts of drive system themselves. All they need to do is to build the upper part themselves to make it a suitable moving vehicle for their industrial use.
This autonomous pesticide sprayer can move from point to point with system set up. No manual control would be needed for its operation. And it can detect and avoid obstacles immediately, enabling easier and safer operation.
This autonomous pesticide sprayer is designed for greenhouse use. With this sprayer, famers no longer need to handle the pesticide spraying work themselves and this will eventually relieve the suffering from exposing to the toxic pesticide. Other than saving time and increase efficiency, it also helps reducing manpower.
Source : 建東精工
Source : 建东精工
計算機頁面連結 https://ctengineering.com.tw/TW/calculator.asp
計算機使用說明 https://youtu.be/HLxOTkFuTbs
瀏覽全文Source : CT Engineering 建東精工
Source : Embedded Computing Design
According to the report, global demand for service robotics market was valued at USD 6.5 billion in 2014 and is expected to generate revenue of USD 17.2 billion by end of 2020, growing at a CAGR of slightly above 17.8% between 2015 and 2020.
Zion Research has published a new report titled “Service Robotics Market (Professional Service Robots And Personal Service Robots) Market For Health Care, Defense, Agriculture, Entertainment, Logistics, Aerospace, Infrastructure, Research And Development And Others Applications: Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis And Forecast, 2014 - 2020.”
A service robot is a robot that performs useful tasks such as lawn mowing, automatic floor mopping, dishwashing, and many more for humans apart from their industrial uses. Service robots are used in industries and for domestic purpose to assist human in performing job which are recurring and hard for humans to perform. Furthermore they are used to perform everyday jobs that are repetitive, dull, dangerous, and dirty. There are two major types of service robots such as professional service robots and personal service robots. Personal service robots used for a non-commercial job and professional service robot used for a commercial task and operated by a well trained operator.
瀏覽全文Source : Intellasia East Asia News
Some delivery women find motorised refrigerators hard to swallow, others love them; pink helmets, no seats
South Korea prides itself on being at the cutting edge of manufacturing technology, from tiny semiconductors to massive floating rigs that drill into the earth’s crust for gas and oil.
Among its recent engineering breakthroughs: motorised refrigerators for delivering yogurt.
A fleet of bathtub-size four-wheelers started hitting the streets here last year, to better transport the little bottles of the yellow-colored yogurt drinks South Koreans have long consumed ...
瀏覽全文Source : New Mobility
Those aren’t words usually associated with power wheelchairs, but they keep popping up in conversation after conversation about the WHILL, a new “personal mobility device” designed and brought to market by a team of former auto industry designers. After five years of design and testing, a good degree of Internet fame and a successful funding campaign that resulted in $11 million, the WHILL — pronounced like “will power,” not “wheel” — is finally available to a nationwide market.
With a low-profile frame highlighted by two white arms emerging from just in front of the rear wheels, the WHILL resembles a wheelchair that was ripped off the set of a futuristic sci-fi movie more than it does any power chair currently on the market.
瀏覽全文Source : Scottish Daily Record
EX-ARMY corporal Andy McIntosh has broken a world record by driving 1011 miles from John O’ Groats to Land’s End on his 8mph mobility scooter to raise funds for military charities.
A DISABLED ex- Army corporal has smashed a world record by driving more than 1011 miles from John O’ Groats to Land’s End – on his 8mph mobility scooter.
Andy McIntosh, 42, completed the epic ride in just 16 days and eight hours. Andy took on the challenge to raise cash for several military charities which have supported him over the years.
They include Poppy Scotland, SSAFA, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, Erskine and Soldiers off the Streets. Andy left John O’ Groats at 8am on Tuesday, May 5 on his Breeze S4 GT mobility scooter and eventually arrived in Land’s End on Wednesday, May 20.Two Klyde Mobility engineers and a Scottish TGA retailer supported him as far as Gretna Green where his pal Alan Stobo took over the support role.
瀏覽全文Source : The Telegraph
Track marshal's race against boredom as he attempts to ride 200 miles in 24 hours on an electric mobility scooter
Potential record breaker Steve Tarrant has assembled a pit crew, secured the use of a famous race circuit and obtained a thoroughbred vehicle. Now he must endure potentially the most tedious 24 hours of his life if he wants to enter the Guinness Book of Records.
Tarrant is hoping to crack the record for longest distance travelled in 24 hours on an electric mobility scooter this weekend, two years after his previous attempt was agonisingly disallowed by record officials because the track hadn’t been surveyed properly beforehand.
This time Tarrant has made sure the purpose-built track, a coned-off area next to the Goodwood circuit in West Sussex, conforms to the Guinness guidelines before he attempts to travel 200 miles within the timeframe at speeds of around 10mph...
瀏覽全文Source : TGA Official Website
February 2012
TGA Breeze 4S GT and converted Supersport (ridden by Richard Hammond) complete extreme mobility scooter challenge on BBC Top Gear
TGA was approached by the BBC with a view to loaning a scooter for the programme which Daniel Stone, TGA Managing Director explains: “TGA is well known across the UK for supplying the most reliable and robust scooters in the marketplace, however when the Top Gear researchers contacted us, I knew this forthcoming challenge would push our products to the absolute limit. The challenge was to involve a dramatic race between two teams up a rugged mountain on the Glanusk Estate in the Brecon Beacons, Wales. Three disabled war veterans in association with the charity Help for Heroes were to compete against the BBC Top Gear presenters who would ride radically customised second hand scooters.”